Odds 'N Ends

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Stuff that just doesn't fit anywhere else. . .( click on the pictures )

Free E-Mail Resources!

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A weekly E-Letter including Randall's favorite business tips, the weekly tirade and other information to help put the fun back into your plumbing business.

Comanche Marketing
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Matt Michel's world famous, free, marketing tips. I still can't believe he does this for free!



Clip Art



Just page through the Clip Art Gallery of plumbing clip art ( among other things )

Mighty fine plumbing


Mighty fine plumbing.  NOT!  Show off the best of the worst you've seen.  Your photos gleefully accepted and acknowleged. If you don't have a digital version just mail me the photo and I'll fix it up so you'll have the original and a digital.  

The good ole days?


Cool tools & gadgets of our trade. I love photos of the tools the true craftsmen of our proffession used.

Software downloads


 As I gather up free software that can help you in your business I'll make it available on this page.

You don't have to be a politician to make money blowing smoke!






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